Dear sailors!
Enjoy our places of fun and health with water.
Thermal spa
To the Authorities
Gravina in
We are the students of 5° “A” and 5° “B” of IV CIrcolo T.Fiore Primary School and we are kindly asking a little of your time to listen to our request.
Since last year we’re been working on a Comenius European Project about water’s importance called “Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink” with other European Partners:
A thing now is clear: the water is a too much precious good, and that’s why it must be safeguarded and protected from any form of pollution.
We would like to take the opportunity for inform You that our european partners will be guests in our city from 28th of March to 1st of April 2011, so we ask You to meet the foreign delegation in our town hall, during their stay in Gravina. Thank You for your availability and we wish You a good work.